استخدام السمات الدلالية الإجتماعية بين أخصائي المعلومات بالمكتبات الجامعية : دراسة استكشافية

Document Type : Original Article


جامعة حلوان، کلية الآداب، القاهرة، مصر


The study analyzes the reality of the existence and use of social semantic digital libraries among information specialists in university libraries, as it has become natural in the current era to add social means to semantic digital libraries to enable users to communicate either with their libraries or with each other at any time and from anywhere.

Where social semantic digital libraries are defined (as a procedural definition) as the developed form of semantic digital libraries, as they depend in their structure on the ontology to support the participation of users with their opinions and comments on social media, by showing the characteristics of the subject aspects and how they are related, by defining a set of concepts and categories that define the topic.

Based on the above, an urgent need has emerged to study the reality of the use of social semantic digital libraries among information specialists in university libraries, because most semantic digital libraries tend to focus more on retrieving information files only instead of giving the opportunity to share user knowledge, which in turn led to the emergence of A new generation of libraries is “Social Semantic Digital Libraries” that help the digital library build a heterogeneous network of the Semantic Web that provides more robust
