Teaching trends in library and information sciences in general and technical processes in particular: a systematic scientific review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University

2 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Faculty of Arts - Menoufia Universit


This review aimed at extrapolating and analyzing the intellectual production related to clarifying the current situation of teaching library decisions, especially the technical operations courses in libraries through (introducing library and information science courses and programs, and the extent of the need to develop curricula, especially those related to technical operations, with a quick look through the intellectual production that Addressing the current features of the decisions of the library and information departments and the new visions for development, with a presentation of some technical operations experiences such as indexing, classification and indexing, and monitoring some projects that provide technical preparation services to the public of beneficiaries, while reviewing some of the lists of the library and information departments in Egyptian universities).
Key words: teaching library and information sciences, regulations and standards in libraries, technical preparation curricula, technical operations experiments, library services projects, the future of indexing and classification. ok
