Strategic vigilance towards anticipating the future of library and information institutions: a prospective study

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Libraries and Information Department Faculty of Arts - Damietta University


The collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information to
monitor the scientific and technological reality in order to identify risks and threats
and seize opportunities and adapt the possibilities of development to discover the
future is necessary and important in library institutions and information centers
since the best way to change and face the future living libraries and institutions is
to work to discover and innovate this future. It has always been said, “the best
way to predict the future is to invent it.” Strategic vigilance is the collective
process by which individuals use and forecast information about changes that are
likely to occur. Foresight is the set of studies and research that reveals potential
problems in the future and predicts the priorities that can be identified as
solutions to address these problems. This study provides a scientific and
systematic effort to formulate a set of conditional expectations or Scenarios that
include the main features of the phenomenon based on strategic vigilance in
anticipating the future of library and information institutions. Strategic vigilance
helps library institutions to continue and exist in the new environment as long as it
is best management practices that we need in forecasting, discovering,
monitoring, and learning which ultimately provides an open information system on
the new environment and rapid changes and helps to make decisions by
observing and analyzing the reality and predicting the future, whether scientific,
technical or even economically through the method of scenarios.
