The role of professional associations for libraries and information in developing the skills of specialists in the Arab world: an analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المکتبات جامعة الاسکندرية


Interaction between organizations in the field of libraries and information
in supporting and developing the skills of specialists in the Arab world. It aims to
provide a theoretical framework on the professional community and development
of specialists in the field of libraries and information, analyze the role played by
professional associations in the field of libraries and information, Training,
knowledge and comprehensiveness of their skills, identifying strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and improvement of professional work skills to
improve and identify future plans of professional associations and associations in
terms of performance of their tasks and the value of their objectives, The study is
based on a number of (14) general societies in the field of libraries and
information, in addition to the knowledge of a number of results. The most
important of these are the fact that all professional societies in the field of libraries
and information provide training courses in the field of libraries and social
information (Face book) The Association of Jordanian Libraries in the field of
libraries and information in the provision of training courses and workshops that
contribute to the development of specialists' skills, followed by the Egyptian
Society and the Arab Federation of Libraries and Information.
