The reality of social responsibility of the academic library specialist and a proposed vision for its development

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المکتبات جامعة کفر الشيخ


The problem of the study is to answer the following main question: What
is the social responsibility of the academic library specialist?
The importance of the study is shown in the presentation of an objective
measure of the social responsibility of the library specialist And help library
administrators to develop appropriate plans and programs to work on the
development of social responsibility for library specialists.
One of the most important result of the study is that the reality of social
responsibility in all its dimensions to the specialists of university libraries came
high and The ranking of social responsibility dimensions is as follows : Religious
and moral responsibility, collective responsibility, national responsibility, and
personal responsibility, There is no statistically significant difference in the social
responsibility of university library specialists according to gender, the place of
residence, the job, There is a difference of statistical significance according to the
scientific qualifications in favor of non-specialized qualifications in libraries.
