Use the techniques and rules of the games in achieving serious goals gamification to activate the use of social networks in the education library science: curriculum "advanced substantive analysis" at the University of Alexandria as a mode

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المکتبات جامعة الاسکندرية


University students in the age of information technology are no longer
keen to study in the traditional ways used by previous generations, as the
researcher observed. It is therefore necessary for teachers to develop their
teaching methods to cope with the needs of contemporary students. One of these
modern developments is education through games.
The study aims to facilitate the teaching of a course that requires a lot of
effort, focus, perseverance and logical thinking(namely, Advanced subject
Analysis ,or thesaurus construction). This study aims to suggest a design for
some learning assignments, which are gradual in difficulty.
These assignments, which have interactive gaming features, are special
for the preparation of thesaurus records. To facilitate the intensive funny
desirable training for students, and the interaction among students on the one
hand, and between the students and their professor on the other; these
assignments can be made available through a social networking platform
