Library and information science Scholarly journals at the Arabic databases: "Dar Almandumah" as an example

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المکتبات جامعة اسيوط


This paper studies thirty-three Arabic scholarly journals in the field
of library and information science available at Dar Almandumah
databases. By the end of 2015, they include 11182 articles. The study
aims to present quantitive and qualitative analysis of research trends in
these journals, using the bibliometric method. The results indicate that, the
publication of these journals is limited to eight countries, namely: Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria, Libya, and Syria. Fifty-four
percent of these articles are available in full text, while forty-six percent of
them have only bibliographic data. Eighteen journals are still running, while
fifteen have been discontinued from publication. Only seven journals are
updated until 2015 in the databases
