Applying Information Seeking Behavior Theories and Models in Arabic Thesis of Information Needs and Use: an Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المکتبات والمعلومات جامعة الاسکندرية


This study has two parts, the first one is an overview of the information seeking behavior: theories and models, including its’ definition, types, and development. It also compares between them to indicate their various features. The second part deals with the analysis of the methods and tools used in the preparation of a sample of Arabic theses in the areas information use and services that have been approved at the University of Alexandria. This study tracks the citation patterns in these and the possibility of the application of theories and models of information behavior to search for information in the Arab community, to open the door for emerging studies to complete the research in this area and develop an Arabic Model for information seeking behavior of Arab societies.
