Benefits of LinkedIn network as a model for professional networks to the Egyptians workers affiliated with the library and information Field: A Field Study

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المکتبات جامعة حلوان


This study aims to introduce the LinkedIn network and its characteristics and distinctive features as a model for professional networks, as well as to investigate its benefit to Egyptians workers affiliated with the library and information field, and to identify their extent of satisfaction with the features and services LinkedIn network provides. The study relied on the field study approach due to its descriptive and analytical nature .
The study concluded the following results: uneven level of satisfaction of making good use of the network, where the rating with “satisfied to a certain extent” occupied the first place with 58.6% percentage, and the “just satisfied” rating came second by estimated 33.1% percentage, and in last place the “not satisfied” rating came with 8.3% percentage .
It is evident from the previous ratios that the satisfaction with the benefits of the LinkedIn network is large by an estimated of 91.7% percentage although there are various levels of satisfaction level.
