library and information associations Websites: An analytical and Webometric study

Document Type : Original Article


Al Azhar


The study aims to measure the web impact factor of the websites Arab and foreign libraries and information associations,and indicate the extent of its electronic presence, Which amounted to (12) websites of libraries and information associations, The study relied on the bibliometric approach by using web impact factor, It was found that: The Belarusian Libraries Association website ranked first in size of websites with (460,000) pages, The Egyptian Library and Information Association website ranked last in size of websites with only (5) pages; The ages of the websites of library and information associations ranged from (27) years to two years from the date of the study; The oldest websites were the website of the American Library Association; The Belarusian Libraries Association website registered the most language with (3) languages; The American Library Association website scored the highest in total web impact factor, As for Lebanese Library Association; it scored higher of web impact factor in the Arab countries, The study provided a number of recommendations: Arab library and information associations that do not have websites should quickly create their own websites, and should to be take care of the website’s page a good way that attracts the largest number of visitors, and must to be translate the content of Arab associations’ websites into English and not just page titles.
