The impact of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) on building and developing university medical library Collection at Menoufia University

Document Type : Original Article


menofya university


The study deal with the impact of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank on the
process of building and developing the holdings of university medical libraries at
the University of Menoufia. Medicine, National Liver Institute, College of
Pharmacy, College of Health Medical Sciences Technology, College of Nursing,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Technical Institute of Nursing), at Menoufia
University, and also made a checklist, with description and analysis of those data
in search of four main elements (development of holdings Libraries - Egyptian
Knowledge Bank - Global Databases - University Medical Libraries), and after
research and data analysis, the most important results of the study were that the
total number of books in the libraries of the medical sector faculties at Menoufia
University reached the scope of the study, which were acquired in the time period
2015-2020 (917). A book, and that the number of what was found of them in the
Knowledge Bank is (87) books, and on the other hand, in the databases of the
Egyptian Knowledge Bank there are many sources that are not found in medical
libraries, and that no There is a systematic plan for medical libraries, the scope of
the study, to benefit from the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in the process of building
and developing their holdings. Medical Center at Menoufia University by
appointing a work team from within the library and assigning it to daily search
through the databases of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to identify everything that
is new, and to make decisions either to upload it and add it to the general index
or to determine direct availability through the Knowledge Bank.

