Internet of things (IOT) solutions and uses in providing archival services at The National Center for Archives and Records (NCER) -Saudi Arabia: a Prospective Study for the future of archival operations

Document Type : Original Article


1 King Saud University in Riyadh, Cairo university

2 ماجستير الآداب في علم المعلومات – قسم علم المعلومات- جامعة الملک سعود أخصائي وثائق بمرکز الوثائق والمحفوظات - مکتبة الملک فهد الوطنية


The applications and uses of the Internet of things in all areas of life have become necessary, and therefore it has been used in all fields of health, education, libraries and other fields and various sectors, and among the most important of these modern fields are (national archives), because of their great role in preserving the heritage The nation, and its historical memory.
And because most countries of the world have been interested in developing and updating their archives, which Saudi Arabia has done for a long time, and because the researchers chose to apply the latest technologies in the world to the archival services of the National Center for Documentation and Archives, and what it acquires from traditional and electronic archival information sources, which is what The subject gained its importance, especially since the vision, mission, and objectives of the National Center do not differ according to the quality of its services and its holdings of archival information sources, as well as the different beneficiaries of these services and holdings.
