Scientific research ethics for theses dissertations (MA & PhD) in the field of library and information: An analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Libraries and information science department, faculty of Arts, New Valley university, New Valley city, El-Kharga.


Hence, the current study aimed to know the extent of the commitment of researchers in the field of library and information to the scientific research ethics in their university theses dissertations based on the analysis of an equal sample (n=150) of MA and Ph.D. theses in the time from 2005 to 2021; By using a scale consisting of (5) dimensions that include (44) items prepared by the researcher. One of the most important results of this study: Ph.D. researchers are the most committed to this ethics with arithmetic mean (m=39.05) due to the research experience gained. In addition, the MA researchers are more committed to scientific honesty than the Ph.D. researchers with arithmetic mean (m=12.65(.The study results also indicated that there were no differences in the total degree of commitment of researchers in the field of libraries and information to the ethics research for MA and Ph.D. theses according to the proposed scale, where the results were indicative in the direction of the Ph.D. theses. The study recommended the necessity of teaching scientific research ethics as a course within library and information department’s and adopting the proposed scientific research ethics scale for these dissertations after presenting it to experts in the field, and then applying it to ensure the quality of scientific research outputs in the field of library and information.
