A proposed vision for the development of secretarial, archives and service files management at the University of Alexandria

Document Type : Original Article


کلیة الأداب - جامعة الإسکندریة - قسم المکتبات والمعلومات


Administrative documents are the backbone and cornerstone of any party that practices public work, as they provide various institutions and bodies with data and information necessary to perform their tasks, accomplish their work and take appropriate decisions.The study found that the files are located in separate keeping rooms for the employees, and the space allocated for keeping files is insufficient, and the number of employees is appropriate. The study also indicated that the mechanism of work in the Service Files Section for faculty and staff members records and digitizes all files in the status register, and is entered and numbered All files are in an electronic record, and you also notice the presence of a scout to summon the metadata of the files and the presence of service files in a special central archive room, this is due to the desire of the department's employees for development work, and you notice that there is joint cooperation between the permanent committee for archives and the archive to activate its role in preserving active documents and dispensed documents According to the legal preservation periods, the researcher found that filing rooms are overcrowded with files and papers in violation of the standards of the preservation system, security, safety and occupational health and the files are stored on open carriers


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