The Use Of Augmented Reality Technology In Museums: A Case Study On The Educational Museum Of The Faculty Of Arts, Tanta University

Document Type : Original Article


Tanta University, Faculty of Arts


The study aimed to explore augmented reality technology and its use in museums as one of the main emerging technologies that enhance the experience of museum visitors, by relying on the case study methodology where the technology was applied to a sample of the educational museum collections of the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, using the Zapper application of augmented reality. The more augmented reality technology is integrated into museum services, the more educational, experimental, historical, knowledge, cultural, social and economic values ​​increase, and the greater the satisfaction of the visitors. Smartphones are the museums' preferred augmented reality platform for ease of implementation, low costs, reliability and the ability to run efficient augmented reality applications. And that the use of the Zapper application for augmented reality was appropriate in providing an innovative way to introduce the educational museum collections of the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University. Where a variety of digital information about the museum's collections has been presented, including photo albums, video clips, audio clips, links to related sites from international museums ... etc., which appear as soon as a smartphone camera preview the artifact codes through the application. The main problems of the application were the impact of the speed of previewing the codes and retrieving the associated information with the Internet speed available in the museum.
