وعی أعضاء هیئة التدریس فی الإنسانیات بقضایا النشر العلمی الدولی

نوع المستند : Original Article


قسم المکتبات والمعلومات، کلیة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانیة، جامعة قناة السویس، مصر - الإسماعیلیة -الصریق الدائری الکیلو 4.5


Scientific publishing in indexed journals is considered an important aspect of the professional situation of the faculty members and universities where they work .Add to that scientific publishing in indexed journals takes into account some criteria that may not be required for publishing in local journals, In this context, The study aimed to reveal the awareness of faculty members in the humanities about concerning of international scientific publishing through a field study conducted in the academic year 2019/2020, and the descriptive approach was used to research the study problem. 103 members from the Faculties of Humanities (Arts and Education), answered the study instrument correctly, who represented 23.6% of the research community. Generally, the results showed that faculty members of the study community do not have sufficient awareness about materials of scientific publishing, quality criteria of scientific indexed journals, predatory journals features, tools available on the internet that help researchers and authors identify the appropriate and trusted journals, digital object identifier, and the reasons of rejecting publishing scientific research in scientific journals. The results of the research provided an understanding of the degree of faculty members’ awareness about various aspects of international scientific publishing. In light of this, a proposed program was presented to develop the scholarly publishing literacy, and recommendations that benefit librarians and officials of higher education institutions who support scientific research and international publishing.

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